American Eel inks (or simply Eel inks) contain an added lubricant for keeping piston-filled pens and converters working smoothly. Over time, pistons can become sticky and difficult to operate.
It is often impossible to disassemble the pen or converter to grease the piston head. Filling your pen with one of these inks from time to time will help keep its piston sliding smoothly without the need for complicated maintenance.
Another effect of the added lubricant is that these inks are wet and free-flowing, making them a good choice for pens that are very dry-writing or that have issues with skipping and hard starts.
The downside of Eel inks is that they are slower-drying and more prone to smearing, feathering, and bleed-through than typical inks.
See our selection of Noodlers ink here: https://www.penloversparadise.com/product-category/noodlers-ink-3/
If you are interested in a color that you don’t see on our site – just ask us about it. We may have it in stock but not yet have it on site.
And for more info regarding Noodlers ink you can visit their website here: https://noodlersink.com/
Pilot Iroshizuku Bottled Fountain Pen Ink Asa-Gao (Morning Glory)
Pilot Iroshizuku Bottled Fountain Pen Ink Momiji (Autumn Leaves)
Pilot Iroshizuku Bottled Fountain Pen Ink Fuyu-Gaki (Winter Persimmon)
Pilot Iroshizuku Bottled Fountain Pen Ink Syo-Ro (Dew on Pine Tree)
Virginia Beach
PHONE: 757-427-1887