We are so excited ~ we were awarded the top 75 pen blog badge! We came in at # 37 which is not bad as I didn’t even know these things were ranked. So while we are not at the top (which I certainly would have never expected) we are also not at the bottom. Right in the middle.
So this will give me the incentive to do more blogging about pens and paper. There are so many great pens and so much wonderful paper on the market these days sometimes it’s hard to choose. That’s the fun part about coming into an actual pen and paper shop ~ you get to actually test things out and pick the item that best suits your needs and your writing style.
Your handwriting is a unique identifying factor about you; it is a personal connection to you and only you – like a fingerprint. So keep writing with your own favorite pen on your own favorite paper. It’s a personal choice and writing with a great pen on great paper can be a fun and memorable experience!
You can see the list of pen blogs here: http://blog.feedspot.com/pen_blogs/
This blog is presented by Anuj Agarwal.