About Us – A Pen Lovers Paradise
So here is a little background information about us. I am Pamela Cochran Huynh and I have always been a pen lover and collector myself. I always love going “back to school” because I knew it meant I would get new pens and notebooks. And of course when I was a little girl at Christmas I always looked forward to opening my stocking most of all as I knew it would be filled with pens and paper items which have always been some of my favorite things.
When I attended a pen show with my husband, D. V. Huynh, in Washington, DC in August, 2001, we realized just how many pen enthusiasts were out there just like me.
At that show we got bitten by the “pen bug” all over again and decided to set up our website to cater to all the other pen lovers out there. We certainly hope you enjoy being in “Paradise” for a while and we hope you see some things that you really like and perhaps some new items that you have not seen before.
I want to introduce you to the store mascot, Inky. He comes to work with me and he will greet you when you come in with his yappy little greeting. He loves to play and bark!
A Pen Lovers Paradise is a very small “mom and pop” (a “mom and pup” shop is what I like to call it now with Inky here every day) shop so if you like that personalized attention to detail please come shop with us. Unlike the big boys and the super big box stores I may not always have everything in stock all the time. But I can usually special order just about anything you want or need. And I may not always have the lowest advertised price on an item as it is tough to compete with the big boys and the web only stores in this economy I will admit that. But I will certainly do my best to price match on any item that I carry and I will try my best to meet or beat the rest. Sometimes it may not be possible but I will make every effort to get you the item you are looking for at a price you are willing to pay. Please understand that there are some places we simply cannot price match with such as Amazon, E-Bay, etc. and a few others that I have seen with whom it is impossible to compete. Some of these companies simply kill small businesses like mine and we would really appreciate it if you didn’t ask us to even try to compete with the likes of those mentioned.
We like to say if you can write with it or on it we carry it and we have beautiful writing instruments that write beautifully.
We love what we do and we do what we love!
We will be happy to do an ink sample for you if you are looking for a particular color & you want to see it before you buy it. We will do a dip or a swab of that ink for you & mail it right out to you. This way you can see what the ink actually looks like on paper. Just let me know the color or colors you’d like to see and if we have that in stock we’ll be happy to provide a color swatch for you.
Have a pleasant shopping experience and come visit us again soon!
We are located in the Princess Anne Shoppes in the Courthouse area of Virginia Beach. We serve all of Hampton Roads which is sometimes referred to as Coastal Virginia.
Pamela Huynh
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/apenloversparadise/
Find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/penluvr2
See our Pins on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/penluvr/pens-and-paper-and-ink/
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penloversparadise/